32G traffic at npIX and Worldcup 2018 experience

Worldcup 2018 saw historic data exchange in npIX with traffic peaking up to 32G during some key matches. Most of the people in Nepal may not even realise the fact that their FIFA worldcup experience was good because of our small Internet exchange and how it contributed to their smooth viewing experience. There were efforts put in by some people to help npIX conduct timely upgrades to facilitate this unexpected surge in traffic. Kudos to technical volunteers of npIX who instead of watching worldcup matches were busy looking (happily) at traffic growth in npIX every day. Some key matches of Argentina and Brazil had good traffic growth to show Nepali fan following for soccer teams of these countries. This event has certainly triggered us to upgrade our resources further and be ready for future and wait for further historic records being broken.

We are happy to serve Nepali Internet users and our members with continuous improvements and committed to expand our presence for greater user benefit. 32 Gbps ….. yeay!!! 🙂
